If you want a Holy Grail
To anyone who feels addressed
If you want a Holy Grail
If you’re still looking for that one single
• application that will support all of your processes
• database that will hold all of your data
• communication standard that will empower all your communication channels
• language that everyone will speak exclusively in order to exterminate all miscommunication
• programming language that can efficiently describe all of your wishes
• modeling standard that all of your models will be stated in
• infrastructure product that will underlie all of your automated information processing
• technology that will make all your dreams come true
• theory that will shed a light on all the misty parts of reality
• good idea that will make all the bears on your path go away
• view on reality so that people will no longer disagree
• group of people that will carry out all of your work
• business model that will survive the next century
, or that one single
• vendor that will supply all the stuff you need,
then I suggest you keep your Big Search for the Holy Grail alive!
It’s like with the ‘real’ Holy Grail. People have been looking for centuries, but never found anything substantial…
The question is whether you can live without your Grail or not. If not, I wish you a lot of success. Well, it’s all about the way to the goal, right?
For those who didn’t yet get the idea: this posting is meant to bring the need for loose coupling as a harmonization method into the picture. Did I hear someone suggest ‘LC for Holy Grail!’? ;-)